Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cultivating Curiosity

Being a curious person just requires dropping the excuses you give yourself everyday.
So far, we've talked at length about the importance of curiosity and how it factors into being an intrinsic motivator. So let's continue to drill down and ask the question, how can we cultivate our curiosity?

This Psychology Today article sums it up quite nicely, and I'll attempt to summarize it here:

  1. Reframe boring situations as opportunities to be inquisitive. Ask questions about things that you normally would not.
  2. Don't be afraid to take that dance class, or click that link for a beginner's programming tutorial, at least just give it a shot.
  3. Focus on your old passions no matter how many setbacks you've had. Did you try to learn an instrument but gave up? Go back to it!
Short and simple; and admittedly often easier said than done. But then again, better said than not at all. So what are you waiting for?

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